General Dynamics Electric Boat

We deliver the advantage that protects our Sailors, our Families, and our Freedom.

Groton , Connecticut

General Dynamics Electric Boat
Electric Boat (EB) is a business unit of General Dynamics with headquarters in Groton, CT. Electric Boat is one of the world’s premier submarine builders. Established in 1899, Electric Boat delivered the first submarine, the USS HOLLAND, to the U.S. Navy in 1900. Electric Boat has designed and delivered 17 of the U.S. Navy’s 20 classes of nuclear submarines. Now in its second centennial of submarine building, EB is the design yard and prime contractor for the Virginia-class submarine program,... Read More >


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About General Dynamics Electric Boat

Electric Boat (EB) is a business unit of General Dynamics with headquarters in Groton, CT. Electric Boat is one of the world’s premier submarine builders. Established in 1899, Electric Boat delivered the first submarine, the USS HOLLAND, to the U.S. Navy in 1900. Electric Boat has designed and delivered 17 of the U.S. Navy’s 20 classes of nuclear submarines. Now in its second centennial of submarine building, EB is the design yard and prime contractor for the Virginia-class submarine program, currently in production. EB is also designing and developing the Columbia-class ballistic-missile submarine which will replace the current Ohio class beginning in 2027.

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